If you are planning to buy a horse sometime in the future then this article for you. In a minute I will share with you three tips that will make you a better horse owner, but first of all I want to get something off my chest.
A friend of mine is a breeder and when I visit his farm I have an opportunity to see some of his customers and what I have noticed over the past six months or so is that majority of the people who end up buying horses are not prepared for horse ownership.
I know that this sounds a little bit crazy, but the fact is that most of the first time horse buyers have very little experience in working with horses. In the past they took some horse riding lessons and that's it. I'm not saying that every horse buyer is like that. No way! There are plenty of people who get into horse ownership prepared, but the fact is that quite a lot of people don't really know what they are getting into.
Owning a horse isn't just all fun and games. It's a lot of work and before you buy a horse you need to be very clear about what you are getting into.
Now once I have shared with you a little bit about what I think about most of the first time horse buyers, let me share with you some important some horse care tips:
Water makes up around 70% of horse's body weight it and it is critically important for you to provide your horse with fresh, clean and adequate supply of water. An average horse which weighs around 1,000 pounds drinks around 11 gallons of water every single day. That's around 4320 gallons every single year! You've got to have a place ready, where your horse will be able to easily access clean and fresh water.If you want your horse to be healthy and strong then you've got to supplement your horse's diet with high quality supplements. From feed balancers and joint supplements to garlic supplements and calmers - there are a lot of horse supplements that will make your horse much healthier.Consider other costs that are going to be involved in horse ownership. A lot of people who have never owned a horse before underestimate other costs that are involved in horse ownership: stables, riding gear, supplements, feed, veterinary chicks and so on can add up really quickly and if you want your horse to be healthy then you've got to be ready to pay for any unexpected bill.The fact is that I've only covered the so called 'tip of the iceberg' in this article. It is simply too difficult to put everything you need to know about things such as natural horse supplements into one single article. If you want to learn more about horse care, horse supplements and other horse related things, then check out http://www.bluechipfeed.com/
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